Channel State Information Auto-Labeling System (CALS) for Large-Scale Deep-Learning-Based Wi-Fi Sensing


    Jung-Ik Jang, Jaehyuk Choi School of Computing, Gachon University, Republic of Korea School of Computing, Gachon University, Republic of Korea


Wi-Fi sensing, Channel state information, Auto-labeling, Computer vision, Deep learning


Wi-Fi sensing involves using Wi-Fi technology to sense the surrounding environments, and it has strong potential in a variety of sensing applications. Recently, several advanced deep-learning-based solutions using channel state information (CSI) data have shown great performance, but it is still difficult to use in practice without explicit data collection, which requires expensive adaptation efforts for model retraining. In this study, we propose a Channel State Information Automatic Labeling System (CALS) that automatically collects and labels training CSI data for deep-learning-based Wi-Fi sensing systems. The proposed system enhanced the efficiency of collecting labeled CSI data for supervised learning through computer vision technologies like object detection algorithms. We built a prototype of CALS to demonstrate its efficiency and collected data to train deep learning models for detecting the presence of a person in an indoor environment. Our results indicate an accuracy of over 90% using the auto labeled datasets generated by CALS.


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