3D Point Cloud Reconstruction Technique from 2D Image Using Efficient Feature Map Extraction Network


    Jeong-Yoon Kim, Seung-Ho Lee Department of Electronic Engineering, Hanbat National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea Department of Electronic Engineering, Hanbat National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea


Point cloud, Feature map, Reconstruction, Reparameterization trick, Latent vector, Deep learning


In this paper, we proposed a 3D point cloud reconstruction technique from 2D images using an efficient feature map extraction network. The uniqueness of the method proposed in this paper is as follows. First, we used a new feature map extraction network that is about 27% more efficient than existing techniques in terms of memory. The proposed network did not downsize the input image until mid-way into the deeplearning network, so important information required for 3D point cloud reconstruction was preserved. The problem of increasing memory caused by using full-sized images is mitigated by efficiently configuring the deep learning network to be shallow. Second, by preserving the high-resolution features of the 2D image, the accuracy was further improved compared to the conventional technique. Feature maps extracted from the full-size image contained more detailed information than the existing method, thereby improving the accuracy of 3D point cloud reconstruction. Third, we used a divergence loss that did not require shooting information. Requiring information about not only 2D images but also the shooting angles in training can make dataset collection challenging. In this paper, the accuracy of the reconstruction of the 3D point cloud was increased by increasing the diversity of information through randomness without additional shooting information. In order to objectively evaluate the performance of the proposed method, experiments were conducted using the ShapeNet dataset following the same procedures as previous studies. The proposed method yielded a Chamfer distance (CD) of 5.87, an Earth mover’s distance (EMD) of 5.81, and FLOPs of 2.9G. Lower CD and EMD values indicate greater accuracy in 3D point cloud reconstruction, while a lower FLOPs value indicates reduced memory requirements for deep learning networks. Consequently, the CD, EMD, and FLOPs performance evaluation results of the proposed method demonstrated approximately 27% improvement in memory efficiency and approximately 6.3% improvement in accuracy compared to other methods, validating its objective performance.


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