The Study of Reflection on the Construction of the Ethics of Young Teachers in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Core Socialist Values


    Jiahui Xue Hainan Vocational University of Science and Technology, Haikou 571126, China


Core socialist values, Colleges and universities, Young teachers, Construction of teacher’s ethics


The core socialist values have a profound and far-reaching impact on the Chinese nation. Guided by Marxism, aiming at the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, supported by patriotism and the spirit of the times on reform and innovation, and with a socialist concept of honor and disgrace, core socialist values have a far-reaching impact on individuals and groups, nation, country, and even the whole society. Core socialist values also guide people’s spirit and will from the depths of their minds. Based on this, educating and guiding young teachers in colleges and universities to promote their continuous development in a more positive direction under the influence of core socialist values can promote them to truly become excellent teachers for the people.


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