Academic Support and Student Participation in Outcomes-Based Education among Higher Education Institutions in China


    Zimeng Liu Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas 4200, Philippines


Academic support, Student participation, Outcomes-based education


This study explored the practical application of outcomes-based education (OBE) in higher education, aiming to propose a teaching model and application program more suitable for Chinese education. This study employed a quantitative research method using a questionnaire survey to assess academic support and student participation in            OBE. Specifically, it aimed to describe the respondents’ profiles in terms of sex, age, educational background, and years of experience. It then examined the academic support provided by teachers using OBE, focusing on professional competence, personal competence, and personality development. Furthermore, the study assessed student participation in OBE concerning skill, emotion, interaction, and performance. It also tested for differences in responses regarding academic support and student participation when grouped by profile variables, and explored the significant relationship between academic support and student participation. Based on the findings, a teaching improvement plan was proposed.


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