The Relationship between Chinese Art Aesthetics and Holographic Aesthetics of New Media Art


    Shiwen Liu, Lin Shen College of Literature, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541001, China College of Literature, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541001, China


Chinese art, Aesthetics, New media art, Holographic aesthetic, Relation


New media art has become a new development and art trend in the new media era. As a new art form, new media art has gradually become an important part of art and design. However, new media art and design are the product of the combination of new media and art and design. Their encounter is separated from their original fields and then combined into a new field. The development of new media art has holographic aesthetic characteristics such as comprehensiveness, interactivity and virtual aesthetic scene, which is closely related to the basic concept of Chinese art aesthetics. Exploring the relationship between them is of great practical significance in promoting the development of Chinese media art, providing new value orientation for the public, highlighting the characteristics of artistic creation, and realizing the aesthetic development of Chinese art. This paper summarizes the respective characteristics of Chinese art aesthetics and holographic aesthetics of new media art and focuses on the relationship between the two to help the aesthetic development of Chinese art and enhance its aesthetic characteristics.


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